Persian Care

Caring For Your Pursella Persian Kitten

When one of our Persians is born, it takes almost two weeks before his or her eyes open. Up to that point and for at least two more weeks after, the kitten’s time is spent under the doting attention of their mother, developing a sense of smell.
Around four to five weeks, kittens begin to venture outside the warmth of their mother’s company and begin integrating dry kibble into their diet-still paired with their mother’s milk, of course.
Around eight weeks, the mother cat begins teaching the kittens how to use the litter box, which to them is just an unexplored sandbox! With this exploration of foreign land, your kitten will experiment with his or her surroundings by nibbling at their litter. Because of this, all natural (think corn-based) litter is essential in the first six months. Migrating to the litter box is also an essential function of your kitten’s exploration of social skills.
With the blossoming of your kitten’s interest in friend-making, we begin to play and interact with the kittens, which lays the foundation for a well socialized and playful kitten who is well adjusted to receiving attention from humans, and will come to seek it out independently.
By ten to twelve weeks, the kitten is usually ready for their forever home. They are eating, drinking, and using the litter box independently. When your kitten arrives, he or she will weigh approximately one and a half to two pounds, and while they’ve come a long way, they still have much growing and exploring to do. With this in mind, we at Pursella Persians have allotted special attention to hand picking our favorite products to aid in caring for your growing kitten from the time you meet into their adulthood.
In the page below, you will find our most trusted products; essentials that we have relied on to ensure the health, well-being, and general upkeep of our mommies, daddies, and litters of kittens.